The UN ECE 104 regulation

In USA the obligation of reflective strips is in force since 1993 and also in Italy it became law.
The law N. 214 dated 1st of August 2003 converts the Decreto n. 151dated 27/6/2003, fixing the obligation that, during the circulation, motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers used for the transport of things and classified for special use or specific transports with total mass at full load over 3,5 tons must have reflective back and lateral strips in order to be seen also during the night, allowing to see their shape up to 300 mt far, as per what stated in the international regulation UN ECE 104.

The obligation has been extended to 1st April 2005 with the Decreto-legge N. 266 dated 9Th of November .

Art. 7. road laws
1. The 5Th paragraph of the article N. 7 of the Decreto legge N. 151 dated 27Th June 2003, converted, with modification, by the law N. 214 of 1st of August 2003, is abrogated. 2. At the article N. 72 of the Decreto Legislativo N. 285 dated 30Th of April 1992 and following modifications, there are the following modifications:a) The Paragraph N.2-bis is replaced by the following:
«2-bis. - During the circulation, the motor vehicles, trailers or semi-trailers for the transport of things and classified for special use or specific transports, matriculated in Italy with total mass at full load over than 3,5 tons, must have back and lateral reflective strips.
The technical characteristics of the reflective stripes are defined by the Minister of the Infrastructures and Transport as per what it's foreseen in the international regulation ECE/ONU n. 104.
The newly matriculated motor vehicles must have all the devices of this paragraph from the 1st of April 2005 and all the motor vehicles in circulation by the 21st of December 2005.»;

b) The paragraph N. 2-ter is replaced by the following:
«2-ter. - The motor vehicles, trailers or semi-trailers for the transport of things with total mass at full load over than 7,5 ton, and matriculated in Italy from the 1st of January 2006 must have homologated devices able to reduce the water nebulization during the rain. The technical characteristics of these devices are defined by the Minister of the Infrastructures and transport.

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Bordatura ingombro Bordatura sagoma
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Bordatura ingombro
nastri rifrangenti

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